#125 – Sliced

And now I bring you one of my favorite comedy routines from my childhood:

Me: “Mom, make me a milkshake!”
My Mom: (Waves invisible magic wand at me) “Zap! You are now a milkshake.”

I will of course do this same thing to my children at every possible opportunity.

Today’s Biff is high strung.

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18 thoughts on “#125 – Sliced”

  1. Michael says:

    I used to do this to my sister all the time!

  2. CHILD: “I’m hungry.”
    ME: “Hello, Hungry. I’m Daddy.”

    1. Chris says:

      *added to my repertoire*

      1. Also, keep in mind this variation:

        Child: I’m sooooo hungry!
        You: Hello Mr. Hungry, can I call you So?

        1. Mahnarch says:

          Doctor, actually. >:-(~X—<;

    2. Momorikku says:

      Here’s my variation. (Or rather, the one that I got from my grandparents as a kid.)

      Me (or any of my cousins): “I’m thirtsy!”
      Grandma or Grandpa: “Hey, Thursday, I’m Friday.”

      1. Micah says:

        I know a variation on that.

        Me: I’m thirsty.
        Mom: Hi, Thursday, I’m Friday. Call me Saturday and we’ll have a sundae.

  3. Bob says:

    Robots really can be creepy.

    I couldn’t help but be remember of this while reading(this was the only version I could find)


  4. Baughbe says:

    Can I borrow the robot? I have a few neighborhood kids all too hung up on the phrase ‘Eat Me’.

    1. Slogra says:

      If they’re saying “Bite me”, I know of a particularly useful landshark I could loan you. But he’s a loanshark, so don’t put off paying your debts to him.

  5. Wizard says:

    Not just for kids, you can do it to drunks, too. (I used to work at a bar.)

    “Call me a cab.”

    “Okay, you’re a cab.”

  6. Rick2Tails says:

    who knew sentence structure and proper english was so important? Still his estate should sue for the defective unit not following the laws of robotics.

  7. Ziggy Skyedust says:

    My mum still says that. Poof, you’re a sandwich!

  8. Eternal Cry says:

    Kid: Where are we going?
    Parent: Crazy, you’re driving

  9. Rasheed says:

    Saw this in a Flintstones Kids episode, but less fatal

  10. Cari says:

    My husband and I use this variation:
    Him: “can you give me a hand?”
    Me: *clap my hands*

  11. SurveySays says:

    i had a speech impediment when i was younger and i was really embarassed by it to the point that it was an effort for my parents to get me to talk. If what i wanted to say didn’t come out right the first time my mom would say “Your /what/ hurts??” it would make me laugh every time.

  12. Arcan says:

    Reminds me of when I was a kid. Whenever either me or my sister did something we didn’t want to admit to the following exchange would take place:

    Mom/Dad: Who (verb) the (noun)?
    Me and Sister (simultaneously): Not me!
    Mom/Dad: Funny I don’t see “Not Me”anywhere nearby.

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