#125 – Sliced
Posted on May 27, 2011 at 12:00 am by Chris
Chapter: Comic
And now I bring you one of my favorite comedy routines from my childhood:
Me: “Mom, make me a milkshake!”
My Mom: (Waves invisible magic wand at me) “Zap! You are now a milkshake.”
I will of course do this same thing to my children at every possible opportunity.
Tags: blood, robots, sandwich
I used to do this to my sister all the time!
CHILD: “I’m hungry.”
ME: “Hello, Hungry. I’m Daddy.”
*added to my repertoire*
Also, keep in mind this variation:
Child: I’m sooooo hungry!
You: Hello Mr. Hungry, can I call you So?
Doctor, actually. >:-(~X—<;
Here’s my variation. (Or rather, the one that I got from my grandparents as a kid.)
Me (or any of my cousins): “I’m thirtsy!”
Grandma or Grandpa: “Hey, Thursday, I’m Friday.”
I know a variation on that.
Me: I’m thirsty.
Mom: Hi, Thursday, I’m Friday. Call me Saturday and we’ll have a sundae.
Robots really can be creepy.
I couldn’t help but be remember of this while reading(this was the only version I could find)
Can I borrow the robot? I have a few neighborhood kids all too hung up on the phrase ‘Eat Me’.
If they’re saying “Bite me”, I know of a particularly useful landshark I could loan you. But he’s a loanshark, so don’t put off paying your debts to him.
Not just for kids, you can do it to drunks, too. (I used to work at a bar.)
“Call me a cab.”
“Okay, you’re a cab.”
who knew sentence structure and proper english was so important? Still his estate should sue for the defective unit not following the laws of robotics.
My mum still says that. Poof, you’re a sandwich!
Kid: Where are we going?
Parent: Crazy, you’re driving
Saw this in a Flintstones Kids episode, but less fatal
My husband and I use this variation:
Him: “can you give me a hand?”
Me: *clap my hands*
i had a speech impediment when i was younger and i was really embarassed by it to the point that it was an effort for my parents to get me to talk. If what i wanted to say didn’t come out right the first time my mom would say “Your /what/ hurts??” it would make me laugh every time.
Reminds me of when I was a kid. Whenever either me or my sister did something we didn’t want to admit to the following exchange would take place:
Mom/Dad: Who (verb) the (noun)?
Me and Sister (simultaneously): Not me!
Mom/Dad: Funny I don’t see “Not Me”anywhere nearby.