#684 – Sharing

I had an older brother that liked to take things from me when I was really little. Especially food. Consequently I’m irrationally territorial about food that is “mine”. “Hey! Who said you could have a single m&m out of my 5-gallon barrel?!”

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7 thoughts on “#684 – Sharing”

  1. Cinematic says:

    haha, I was that older brother. As a kid my brother also became territorial about food especially but when we got older my parents joined me in stealing his fries, among other things. Now, he mostly has given up as its become a family tradition to steal a few off of his plate.

  2. Sam says:

    Sure you can have a few M&Ms… just FYI, some of them are laced with arsenic… only I know which ones. Good luck!

  3. Falos says:

    With my close friends/sibs, everyone figures something like one fry is “just a bit” fair game.

    It could all be ruined at any time by one greedy invasion, but so far everyone respects the system.

  4. Taurin says:

    Just like those people who go, “No. I’m not going to get a dessert. I’ll just have a taste of yours.” Um…No, no you won’t.

  5. kingklash says:

    If I had a spouse that could do that eye thing, I’d cough up an internal organ just to not see that again.

  6. sarahgrin says:

    This very accurately describes my husband and me. In some ways, it’s nice, because he also thinks about certain foods as “mine,” and won’t touch them. In other ways…well, I think you know. I would much rather share and try all the things. Also, I’m the one who does the grocery shopping.
    “Mm, you’re baking a corn dog? Would you put one in for me?”
    “Oh, um, this is the last one…”
    “?!?! I just bought the box two days ago!”

  7. Utuy says:

    As a kid, when my siblings would get candy from different places like church or from the store, I would sneak candy “ever so often” eventually (since they didn’t eat their candy very fast) I would eat about half of it. I also begged them for the candy (I was the youngest).

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