#53 – Rhythm

I grew up and still live in an area that gets all 4 seasons. All the ice cream specialty shops close up and all the ice cream trucks stop driving during the winter. I wonder if that’s unique to this area though. Surely the parts of the world that have warm weather year round have ice cream shops open year round. Wouldn’t that be true in the cold parts as well? If you open an ice cream store in a cold weather are I’m guessing it stays open year round as well.

Today’s Biff has good aim.

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28 thoughts on “#53 – Rhythm”

  1. TJovian says:

    In my hometown in Alaska, it was the same until a Cold Stone creamery showed up. They’re open all year long.

  2. Chuck says:

    In Los Angeles we have year-round ice cream, though when I went into Cold Stone on a rainy day, the girl working there looked very lonely and bored.

    1. project tyrasa says:


  3. Frank says:

    Marinello, the best ice cream shop here in The Hague, sells clothes in winter… 🙂

  4. -2! says:

    Where I am (Southern Ontario) we are in the limbo zone, some Ice cream specialty stores close, some stay open and the trucks definitely stop driving and playing there annoying tune. We do have 4 seasons, Currently it is the one with snow on the ground.

    1. Acies says:

      Oohh, I’m also from Southern Ontario =)

      In highschool, I used to walk down to Baskin Robins w/ my friends during lunch hour, wearing our floofy winter jackets. The old lady there is reeeeeeaaally bored, so she’d give us a bunch of coupons just to thank us for coming in winter =P Then we’d walk back to school and eat our ice cream at the front door. All the “punks” who are also there, smoking, would look at me like I was out of my mind XD All the other kids, on their way back from lunch, would hafta walk down this path where on the right, there is the smoker crowd, and on the left, there is our ice cream crowd. Fun times ^___^

      Then I moved to a smaller town for university and the ice cream stores closes in the winter =( Dairy Queen is opened all year round though >.>

  5. LibraryLady says:

    Here in Atlanta we have both, those that close in winter and those that stay open year round. Never understood the closing thing. Ice cream in the winter is great.

  6. Angie says:

    I’m here in New Orleans and this past weekend my boyfriend and I went to a frozen yogurt shop two days in a row. I’ve also heard the ice cream trucks playing their song around the neighborhood. Our snowball shops are seasonal though.

  7. McGehee says:

    TJovian beat me to it. I lived in Fairbanks during the ’90s and the only ice cream shop there, a local place called Hot Licks, was only open between break-up and freeze-up. Here in metro Atlanta though, they’re all open year-round.

    1. McGehee says:

      I should have said, in MY PART of metro Atlanta; then again, in my part all we have are chain stores.

      As for ice cream trucks, there’s not much point in them making the rounds during the school year.

  8. Morris says:

    Here in southern New England (Boston area), the trucks are summer-only, but the ice cream shops stay open all year round, and do good business. In northern New England near Mount Washington, they tend to close in the winter. I think part of the difference is that the Boston stores cater to the locals, and the New Hampshire ones rely on tourists and vacationers; the entire economy up north seems to shift on a seasonal basis.

  9. Radical Edward says:

    I live in the Pacific Northwest. We have ice cream shops open year round. However, ice cream trucks only come out during the summer.

  10. And yet all I can think of is “What does the Z on the bag stand for…?”

  11. AmanoYuki says:

    We only ever get Icecream vans between April and August… why can’t I get a magnum when it’s cold? Just ’cause YOU are cold, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to eat icecream! It melts slower when it’s -1000C outside! And stop staring at me like it’s weird to be out in -1000C in shorts and a tshirt!
    Seriously, people these days…

  12. Gewurztraminer says:

    I’ve lived in Phoenix and Miami and consequently crave ice cream and ICEEs year-round. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ice-cream shop closed for ‘winter’.

    On a separate note, I will say that some of the best ice cream I ever had was on a very chilly November day up at Penn State Creamery; and the place was packed.

  13. EH says:

    When I lived in Florida, the trucks would drive year round though they were out more often in the summer. I live in Illinois now and most ice-cream shops around here are part of big chains (baskin robbins, coldstone, etc.) and don’t close during the winter.

  14. Calliopejane says:

    Here in New Orleans, ice cream shops are open year-round. We have up-and-down weather in the winter (e.g., last week in the 30s F, this week upper 60s), and on the warmer days you will hear the ice cream truck. I heard it this past weekend. Sno-ball stands close in the winter though.

  15. shelborg says:

    In alaska they sell more ice cream in the winter because it’s dark 22 hours a day and people are depressed so they buy ice cream to try to cheer themselves up… despite the fact it’s below freezing out.

  16. RP says:

    Here in Pittsburgh, we see random novelty ice cream trucks in the few weeks of good summer we have; most ice cream shops, including the large chains, are open year-round. Growing up in Jakarta (Indonesia), the ice cream man would come around a few times a week on his route, all year long. In Melbourne (Australia), I’d sometimes see those brightly-colored (Mister Whippy?) soft-serve vans.

  17. Jake the Yak says:

    Here in Melbourne, Australia, the ice-cream shops are open all year round. Melbourne is famous for its “four seasons in one day” weather, but generally we have mild winters (certainly no snow) and very hot summers. This summer has been very wet though (with lots of flooding throughout Australia’s eastern states).

  18. Pow says:

    In Calgary, AB. the Icecream stores are usually year round, but alot of them also do things other than *just* icecream to carry them through the winter (such as coffee, sandwhiches, etc)… Icecream trucks though only drive around in the summer, but during the school season there’s always at least one adventurous Icecream Truck driver who would park infront right before Lunch and then come back before the end of the day…

    You know, when it wasn’t actually snowing anyway.

  19. Ptorq says:

    In Missouri in the town where I went to college the Dairy Queens would close during the winter. There were 3 of them, they were all owned by the same people, and they didn’t have indoor seating areas… they were all “walk-up” places. It’s one thing to eat ice cream in the winter; it’s another thing to stand in line in the snow to order your ice cream in the winter.

    The Baskin-Robbins shop, which did have indoor seating, stayed open year-round, as did the ice-cream counters in the department stores, which sometimes had seating and sometimes didn’t, but at least you didn’t have to wait outside in the cold to order.

  20. pseudorca says:

    I lived for a year in Manchester (United Kingdom), and boy was I surprised when I heard the ice cream van driving by our flat at 7PM in the middle of winter… almost.. every.. night.. at high speed..

    Have to say though, I never bothered to make sure that they were actually selling ice cream in that thing…

  21. Cari says:

    In Denver CO where we have all 4 seasons (sometimes within 1 week), all the ice cream stores are open year round. The independent stores just reduce their hours in the winter. The trucks only run in the summer.

    In Estes Park CO, most of the stores close after tourist season (summer). My mother complains about this every winter.

  22. RufusTheDeadCat says:

    I’m from Anchorage, Alaska and my high school friends and I would frequent Cold Stone year round. Funny thing is that we would go much more often in the winter than in the summer.

  23. Centaur71 says:

    Suddenly Biff realizes that dancing to ice cream truck music in the street is NOT cool…

  24. Steve says:

    I live in Southern California. The ice cream shops are open all year, but we only get trucks in the Summer.

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