#245 – Blur

Hey, today is my birthday! Wee! My favorite thing to get on my birthday is new readers! Know anybody that likes jokes? Send them an email, post a link on Facebook, send a tweet, start a thread on your favorite message board, print out a comic and hang it up at work, write and sing a song about stick figures called “I Love maximumble.com” and post it to YouTube! As long as you don’t break any laws or make anyone angry I’ll have an extra happy birthday! Thanks!

I’ve had glasses since 2nd grade so I have frequently gone through the weird adjustment period of getting new glasses. At this point my prescription barely changes each time but the actual lens size and shape is always very different. What I see through my glasses is distorted according to the shape of the frames. Over the years they have gotten more and more rectangular. I have to tilt my head down to see things on the table or desk in front of me. Back in grade school my glasses were so enormous I could practically see a full 180 degrees around me. My poor little nose.

Today’s Biff sees the light.

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10 thoughts on “#245 – Blur”

  1. S. Aquila says:

    I don’t wear glasses by my mom does. She’s constantly losing them and she’s got like five pairs. They either all end up in the car or lost in one of her boxes.

    And guess to gets to track them down each time?

    I wonder if you can do eye replacements…

  2. wigsternm says:

    I’ve had glasses since I was 3, and know the feeling. I wear contacts now, and it often surprises people to learn I need corrective lenses.

    Happy Birthday, Biff and Maximumble have quickly become two of my favorite comics, and two of the few sites I check daily.

  3. Rick2Tails says:

    happy birthday then! Or as I like to joke sometimes “happy anniversary of your escape from the uterus!”

  4. Nuckel says:

    I got my first glasses back then when I started taking driving lessons. Was a weird thing. I knew I couldn’t see well but didn’t really admit it and for sure there was no urge to go and fetch one of those nose wires. – Today my present glasses suit me quite well but one day I think I’ll try out contact lenses aswell.

    Happy Birthday!

  5. kingklash says:

    My brother was always losing his glasses. But, unlike my own nearsighted self, his were to help correct a slight lazy eye. So, he would take them off when they got to bothersome. One day, we were waiting for the school bus, and he said, “Wait! Where’s my glasses?” and patting his jacket pockets. We looked just in time to see them get run over by the bus.

  6. Library Lady says:

    I dated a guy once that had worn glasses since he was 5 or 6. At 25 his glasses were so thick and the lens so heavy the indentations in his nose were rubbed raw and bleeding. Finally he had to wear contacts just so he could wear glasses with lighter-weight lens.

    Happy B-day Biff!!!!!!!!!!

  7. clickbeetle says:

    Ugh. I hate the current trend toward tiny rectangular glasses. Whenever I get new glasses I have to sift through tons of designs before I find one big enough to give me some measure of peripheral vision. Turning my head to look at stuff all the time gets annoying. And yet my glasses still seem to get a bit smaller every time…

  8. Arcan says:

    I’ve worn glasses since third grade, and can no longer tell if I have them on. You’d think the blurriness would clue me in, but I still can’t tell. Unless of course, I lie down, which is when pure agony is shoved into the side of my skull. This is part of why I’ve tried to wear contact lenses but I have yet to manage to get a single lens in my eye. Me, my dad, and the doctor all tried and failed to do so.

    I also want contacts because glasses hide the permanent terror-inducing dark rings under my eyes.

  9. Ashonai says:

    And that, kids, is the story of how I met your mother.

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