#1246 – Amazing

“I heard she sleeps in an X-Wing bed!”

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9 thoughts on “#1246 – Amazing”

  1. Kal Zekdor says:

    The new Star Wars movie actually kinda sucked. It’s almost the same exact movie as A New Hope, just with better CG. I could get into a point by point spoilery comparison, but I’m sure anybody who’s seen it will understand what I’m talking about.

    1. wannabe_elf says:


      Well… I wouldn’t say it completely sucked, but it was a very obvious rehashing of the original. I did like the dynamics between the new characters, but the movie itself kind of swung wildly back and forth to me. It started out really sucking, then started to get good for a while, then turned back around. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

      For me it averaged out to OK. If not for the fact that I know I could never have avoided spoilers for that long, it was a movie I would have preferred to wait to see until it was out on .

      1. wannabe_elf says:

        … that last sentence was supposed to end in “insert preferred at-home movie viewing option,” but it somehow got deleted.

      2. Kal Zekdor says:

        Yeah, it wasn’t horrible or anything. It was alright, but I was disappointed that there was not an ounce of originality in the whole thing. It felt like it was designed based on a checklist.

    2. Dan says:

      I’m not going to argue the point, because it’s your business if you liked it or not, but can anybody explain to me why taking a story a ton of people loved and doing it again with better effects and more varied characters and subplots is a bad thing? I thought following the main story beats from the original was their clearly-advertised intention from the outset. I didn’t think it was amazing, but there was a lot to like about it. Why does the central plot being so similar make it bad?

    3. fire jedi says:


    4. Spectreman says:

      While you are right about the plot similarities, I still thought it was the best movie I had seen all year. Why? Because even though it was a beloved franchise “updated” for the modern era, it wasn’t afraid to be hopeful, colorful, and fun. It kept the tone that made the original so great- which is something movie studios have sever trouble doing nowadays (I mean look at Man of Steel!). Hopefully this will show studios you can make movies that don’t make people want to kill themselves, and they’ll still do well.

  2. Dana W says:

    The point of the new movie was AVOIDING CG, it is mostly practical effects.

    No Midiclorians, no Gungans = win to me.

    1. soilent says:

      if someone went ahead started a genocide on gungans, I’d sign up for the tour.

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