#37 – Dropped call

I’m really paranoid about forgetting stuff when we go on trips. The best way I have to cope with it is to make a list of things to remember. I start it a week or two before we go and add to it every day as I think of things. This still doesn’t prevent me from forgetting things that never make it on to the list but at least I can lull myself into feeling like I’m in control.

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19 thoughts on “#37 – Dropped call”

  1. Acies says:

    i then recite my list of stuff to bring to EVERYONE who’s willing to listen, and pester them about if i missed anything ^^;; aaaaaaand i walk around the whole house at least 5 times before leaving, flipping through random things on my desk and stuff, just in case i’d see something majorly important just sitting there staring at me =3

    1. Chris says:

      Oh yeah! I recite the list as well! Sometimes saying it out loud at the last second like that makes it obvious something is missing.

      1. das-g says:

        Does it only make obvious *that* something is missing, or also *what* is missing? 😛

        1. mastermenthe says:

          I am apparently cursed.
          I’ll do all of the above, repeatedly (no joke!), for the days before a camping trip.
          Then, ALWAYS after the halfway mark, sometimes at the campsite, an item will be found missing or forgotten, even if I already checked it off.

          I really enjoy the new avatar generator.

      2. Acies says:

        hey it could work =3 It’s like the power of posting, where people on puzzle game forums would post a question and then 2 seconds later post that they just miraculously found the solution right after posting. Or I get a lot of phone calls like this:
        Friend: Can you help me with my homework?
        Acies: I’ll try. What’s the problem?
        Friend: Well the question is blah blah blah. And I tried blah blah blah. But I kept getting blah blah blah. Hmm. wait, I guess I can try blah blah blah instead… let’s see… hey! I think it’s working! Thanks Acies, you’re amazing! TTYL! *click*

  2. Schmordy says:

    I lull myself into that false sense of security all the freakin’ time. Like you said, at least it gives you some calm time. But I normally react to finding out that I forgot something in a more brash fashion.

  3. Septerian says:

    i found an easier way i dont take anything unless i cant live with out it (my kindle). we just went on a 3 week cruise all i packed was a change or 2 of clothes and what ever was in my wallet. of course the wife is panicked till we get there and im lugging around 4 suitcases 😛

    1. Mahnarch says:

      Sounds like me.
      All I take with me to go camping is a stick and a whistle.

  4. Vik-Thor says:

    Maybe keep an ongoing travel list, not just when you are currently planning a trip? That way you could add to it as you think of something.
    So when you start planning a trip, you don’t have to start list from scratch, just adjust your standard list for the trip.
    Probably only worthwhile if you travel moderately regularly…

    1. Chris says:

      This is a good idea as well!

      1. Alakar Voidus says:

        This master list theory always works well at my house.

    2. Random Webcomics Junkie says:

      When I started doing the grocery shopping for my family, I made a master list like that.

      It was great because while I certainly didn’t get everything on the list every month (I let my siblings add what they wanted to it and it doubled in length.), it was good to be able to run through it and see if there was anything on there that we needed that I hadn’t thought of.

  5. Sven says:

    In my case I usually forget to do something, like locking the door. Or just a few weeks ago I came home from a two week vacation and found I’d left the heating on. Now there’s money well spent.

  6. Radical Edward says:

    I rarely travel, but I worry about being far from the medicine cabinet. (I am on many medicines, some that need to be taken twice a day and some that would raise little red flags in countries where they take pride perfect mental health.) So yes, I’m worried of getting stuck overseas where I’m treated like an animal. (Then again, my parents will send in mercenaries if the embassies fail to help.)

  7. Gwid says:

    This one made me laugh aloud.
    I’ve never traveled overseas, just gone on holidays in Australia.

    My stepdad has this whole list that repeats to himself whenever we’re going out. Everyone in the family knows it.
    “Keys, wallet, lighter, smokes, phone.”


  8. Gwid says:

    *double-checks* It is official. This is perhaps my favorite comic of all time, therefore making this somewhere near my favorite webcomic ^_^

    1. Chris says:


  9. Centaur71 says:

    Fall guy will continue in a moment (or not).

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