#30 – Floaty

Sometimes our dog plays games with us. She asks to go outside way too many times. She wont actually have to go pee, she just wants to spend some time looking at the dead crow again. Make sure it’s still where she left it 15 minutes ago.

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5 thoughts on “#30 – Floaty”

  1. Radical Edward says:

    I remember working while visiting relatives. I’d open the doors leading to the yard on a regular daily (sometimes hourly) basis. The dogs were very smelly, which was no help to me at all.

  2. Random Webcomics Junkie says:

    I haven’t really been in the market for a pet (and the past fortnight or so catsitting has only strengthened the impression that pets are not for me), but I have a feeling an exception could be made for a pet zeppelin.

  3. Centaur71 says:


  4. Coyoty says:

    It’s a zeppelin on a lead. A lead zeppelin.

    1. Thalia_oakenshield says:

      You are an amazing and terrible person for this lol

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