#783 – Question

“Hey Mark, on your work log today there are a bunch of red question marks. What does that mean?”
“Yes, exactly. What does any of it mean?”

Also, I am starting a Patreon page. It’s a great way for people to help creators like me keep making you smile. Don’t worry, my comics will always be free but if you can help out, it will mean a great deal to my family. Check it out here!

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8 thoughts on “#783 – Question”

  1. Reavenk says:

    When a mommy planet and a daddy planet love each other very much …

  2. boog says:

    “Well sweetie… Our planet came from Japan.”
    “From Japan?”
    “Yeah, lots of neat things come from Japan.”

  3. kingklash says:

    ‘have you ever heard of the Great Green Arkleseizure?”

  4. caffiend says:


  5. Pyro says:

    simple answer: the planet came from the sun, or from stardust, whichever you prefer.

    less simple answer: the 8 planets of the solar system, and the sun, were formed from a huge disc of dust and gas, due to gravity attracting particles together.

    more complicated but still simplified answer: an enormous cloud of debris, remnants of the supernovae explosions of other stars, coalesced into a disc as it began to spin. Matter became more and more condensed, as gravitational forces dragged each particle closer to each other, eventually forming enough pressure in the centre to ignite a fusion reaction, our sun. The remaining spinning disc of debris formed the 8 planets of the solar system, including earth (this also answers the much less frequently asked question “why are all the orbits lined up?” because they all formed from the same disc).

    it’s a bit simplified, but yeah, next time someone asks, you’ll know 🙂 I also know such gems as “why is the sky blue?” “why is grass green?”, and “why does the wind blow?”. When dealing with kids, it’s best to be prepared for these things.

  6. Sven says:

    Well, when a star is born by the collapse of giant molecular clouds of hydrogen, it forms a protoplanetary disc also known as an accretion disc. Dust particles in the accretion disc stick together, and further aggregate to form planetesimals…

    (On the plus side, the kid is now fast asleep)

  7. Sectumnihil says:

    “It’s actually a giant space-spider’s egg sac.”

  8. extremist343 says:

    Actually, I’m pretty certain that our planet was once a small star. This is a better explanation of our molten core and of the large amount of iron and heavy metals found inside our planet.

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