#411 – Switched

We lost power at our house today. I’m sitting on the couch of some wonderful new friend’s of ours. It’s funny how automatic that muscle movement is to turn on a light switch. It doesn’t matter how long the power has been out I keep trying to the lights on when I enter a new room. I get gradually more frustrated with myself and those switches as the hours tick by.

Also, checkout the guest comic I did over at Shortpacked! today!

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11 thoughts on “#411 – Switched”

  1. Vabolo says:

    Whenever there’s a power outage in my sector, my first reflex is always to find the nearest candles/lamps/torches and set them alight. I’d like to say that it’s because I’ve amassed a certain survival instinct with time, but it’s really just my repressed pyromania coming out.

    Nice guest comic over at Shortpacked!, by the way!

  2. Azkyroth says:

    What is wrong with your utility people that the power was out for 12 hours?

    1. Starkittens says:

      During an Ice storm my state had, we had 4 days with out power…Needless to say, I still flicked on every light switch I went by…it didn’t turn out that well when I forgot to turn them back off, and the power came back on.

    2. Chuck says:

      There were some really bad winds last year in the LA area. Trees and powerlines don’t mix. Trees and powerlines DON’T MIX.

    3. Admiral Memo says:

      12 hours? Try 5 days recently in Maryland. Worst. Incompetence. Ever.

  3. rainbird says:

    Even when I am carrying a lantern, and going from room to room, I will try to turn on the light as I enter, and we lose power every winter, because of where we live, so you would think I would be used to it.

  4. My reflex isn’t to turn ON lights – I’ll frequently hang around in semi-lit rooms without issue – but to turn them off.

    This is particularly hilarious when I leave the bathroom while my boyfriend is in the shower.

    Hooray, Mike-heavy guest comic!

    Hooray…power outage? Um…hmm.

  5. rick2tails says:

    I loved the guest strip you did for Shortpacked. Both of you are regular reads for me! Also I think its insane the power goes out so much in our country We really should put powerlines underground and improve the grid. Not have storms knocking out power regularly.

  6. Makinus says:

    Here in Brasil we rarely have power shortages… The last one that i remember was 4+ years ago and lasted around 6 hours… of course, our climate is much more mild than in the US…

  7. pbarnrob says:

    We got about a week of various jar candles and LED lanterns the first of December after that windstorm in the Pasadena/Altadena area. Arcadia has underground power lines; when will the rest of us? And solar is there on the hot afternoons, wind turbines when the wind and rain come (and already cheaper than coal!) Start small if you must, but start! Each one, teach one!

  8. witunderpressure says:

    reminds me of a simpsons episode: homer flicks the light switch for the basement, which is burned out, and despite having no light, proceeds to walk/tumble down the basement stairs. he does this twice in the episode, the second time with a pie.

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