#173 – Toppings

Working in an office, people insist on coming in sick all the time. I guess they are so everyday it doesn’t feel much different being there sick. I think the “swine flu” scare a few years back was the only time I remember people actually staying home.

Today’s Biff sees things from a new perspective.

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7 thoughts on “#173 – Toppings”

  1. Azkyroth says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who has that response to mayonnaise.

  2. Library Lady says:

    I think the idea of coming to work sick is that you want to save your sick days for important things like taking off to go shopping or seeing a movie or an afternoon baseball game or for taking that much needed mental health day when you’re not sick but just sick of the job.

  3. AA says:

    They’ve started using a “Time bank” system in many places (originally coined in “dilbert”) where sick days and vacation days come from the same place. So if you’re sick, you use up your vacation time, and you have to leave some vacation time left in case you’re sick.

    So stupid…

  4. Niha says:

    For what I read, at USA there are even places without sick days, so people go sick to work not because they like or don’t care, or want to save them for shopping, but because they would lose money. Quite often money they can’t afford to lose.

  5. Enyaw says:

    I used to work at an ice cream place, and whenever I needed to sneeze, I imagined something like the scene in this strip. I was able to train myself to hold it in without showing any outward sign (the secret is to swallow, which closes of your windpipe, no matter how much it wants to sneeze). I felt clever.

  6. kingklash says:

    Back in high school, one of the teachers had her kids always come to school, sick or not. I guess she didn’t want them to stay home for whatever reason, but also thjey were always getting perfect attendence every semester, every year. But I wonder what it cost the rest of us for them to have that going for them?

  7. Madeleine says:

    Fast forward 10 years later, this clerk may have been in trouble.

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