#1742 – Cards

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10 thoughts on “#1742 – Cards”

  1. Orz says:

    daaw, if only more parents were like that.

  2. Marmidotte says:

    I’m not crying, you are.

  3. fluffy says:

    omg this is absolutely wonderful 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Aaron says:

    WHY is there no like button?

  5. Drakey says:


  6. Sionyx says:

    Understanding families are wonderful. My mother had no clue what I was talking about when I told her I’m ace, but was ready to really yell at my brother when she found out his reaction of “Well, that explains a few things.” We were able to explain he didn’t mean anything negative at all.

  7. MavistheRainBeau says:

    As an ace of diamonds, I wish I had parents like this who believed I exist. Nothing has ever touched me so much.

  8. FahrQuad says:

    Brighter colors might have helped, but the idea still comes across. FWIW, an Ace of Spades tattoo generally denotes a white woman who prefers black men.

    1. Lauren says:

      The actual relevant definition is at https://lgbt-plus.fandom.com/wiki/Asexuality#Ace_of_Spades for anyone who was wondering, since this is obviously not about race given that it’s using the asexual flag…

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