#864 – App

“What is your Words With Friends user name. I’ll invite you to a game.”

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17 thoughts on “#864 – App”

  1. Tim says:

    Hey! Super Hexagon doesn’t deserve to be equated with the likes of Candy Crush! D:

    This is the first I’ve heard of Monument Valley, but it looks like a way higher calibre than Candy Crush as well.

    I guess what I’m saying is that Candy Crush is a terrible poison to the name of anything it touches?

  2. fluffy says:

    Are there people who claim that Super Hexagon isn’t a “real” game? I’ve seen plenty of (incorrect) people saying that about the other games you mentioned, but I thought Super Hexagon was generally considered a “real” game even though it’s “just” on a phone.

    1. Jon Eric says:

      On the one hand, yeah, it’s mobile-only, which turns a lot of people off. On the other hand, it’s probably the hardest game I’ve ever seen, winnable only by the truly hardcore… who play on phones. Hardcore-casual?

      It’s kind of a paradox of a game, I guess. All I know is, after about a dozen rounds of it, I get motion sickness and feel like hurling my phone against a wall.

      Also, hey! You exist on other parts of the Internet!

      1. JonSt says:

        Except it’s not mobile-only. It’s on Steam. Definitely in a different class than Candy Crush

  3. professorbluestocking says:

    Gamer snobbery makes me want to puke.

    1. boog says:

      Agreed (and eww). A “real” gamer will play any game given to them.

      In fact, it’s my personal belief that a TRUE “real” gamer has probably at some point stayed up into the wee hours of the morning playing a game that he/she dislikes… just… because.

      Games. They must be played.

      1. TSK says:

        I’d agree that you can call a lot of things games, but saying that someone would play every game regardless of genre/quality is kind of naive. Here, play through every single ‘game’ on newgrounds and tell me how that goes.

        1. boog says:

          Okay, done – man, that took a while. I hope I’m still employed.

          Probably wouldn’t have been so bad if I had said “any game” instead of “every game”. My bad, I guess.

  4. Caffiend says:

    true gamers still play older games along with the new ones… Most of the classics had a decent plot.

  5. Nosetroll says:

    I think we just should accept sooner rather than later that the Wii and smart phones has turned everyone into gamers. In the future, when technology is so rad that your phone is more powerful than the xBone and PS4 is today, and you stream over to the TV or VR-goggles, people won’t care what kind of games you play, because everything is on the same open source platform.

  6. GDA says:

    I’m proud to say that I don’t play (almost) any of those games.
    Also I wish to stab someone. The person who decided to call those “Games.”

    1. kingklash says:

      Stabbing is a game, if you reward yourself points.

  7. Carcharocles says:

    I have a relative who considers themselves a gamer. They do tend to spend a lot of time playing games on Pogo, but they don’t really consider those to be games in the same way something like Bioshock or Final Fantasy is a game. Said person is 51 and owns a gaming computer, and while TriPeaks Solitaire sees a lot more playtime, she still loves sitting back with a modern shooter when she’s feeling up to it. (This person happens to be a stroke survivor, so she doesn’t always have the energy to play those types of games).
    Also, 8,000 dollars on a gaming rig… that’s excessive to the point of stupidity. He’ll be replacing most of his hardware in a year or so, sending all those bragging rights down the drain.

  8. Falos says:

    Have players A and B run several games of X and Y. Quantify results by win rate, scores, etc. Compare results, compile report, produce irrefutable conclusion.

    A = your word for “casual” gamer
    B = your word for “noncasual” gamer
    X = “casual” game never encountered by either A or B
    Y = “noncasual” game never encountered by either A or B


  9. shags says:

    All your games are belong to us!

  10. Octothorpe says:

    This is how I feel every day….

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