#844 – Substitution

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16 thoughts on “#844 – Substitution”

  1. Duncan says:

    If it’s your first time visiting a restaurant (or maybe second etc.) it’ll always be the opposite.

  2. boog says:

    “I wonder where my date is.”

    “Sir, she was just here. You guys got in a huge fight and she said she never wanted to see you again before storming out. I came over to see if you were okay and you said you just wanted to forget this night ever happened. Then you ordered a cheeseburger and a Coke. This all happened, like, seriously, two minutes ago.”

    “Funny, I don’t remember any of it. So can I get that Coke now?”

  3. fwtrump says:

    The sad thing is, there are customers like that out there, I have no doubt on this.

  4. fesworks says:

    If I order a Coke (as in a COCA-COLA, and not just “a soda” some some people, for some reason, mean “Coke” to mean), and when they ask if Pepsi is OK. I say “No.”

    And then I don’t get a soda.

  5. Rick 2Tails says:

    Pepsi is better anyway but cherry dr pepper is even better

    1. Me et al. says:

      It’s why I ask, do carry Coke or Dr Pepper?

  6. bob says:

    that would have worked better as an animation.

  7. GDA says:

    They taste the same. Give him a pepsi and he won’t notice.

    1. fesworks says:

      They don’t taste the same at all!

    2. Huttj509 says:

      …I can tell the difference easily.

  8. Seamonkey79 says:

    If I ever ask for Dr Pepper and you say you have root beer or Mr Pibb or anything but Dr Pepper as though anything is a replacement for Dr Pepper… it’s the same thing.

  9. kingklash says:

    “Ack-hack, *gasp*”
    “I’m sorry, sir! I though you said a ‘Choke’!”

  10. Tim says:

    “We don’t have Coke. Is Pepsi okay?”
    “Depends. Is Monopoly money okay?”

  11. Geoff says:

    I’m absolutely stunned, *stunned* that no one has commented on the classic Saturday Night Live “Olympia Restaurant” sketch with Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, et al.

  12. Evan Goldman says:

    Once I went to a restaurant and asked, “Can I get a root beer?” and the server said “Sure! Is Dr. Pepper okay?” It both baffled me that he said yes first when they didn’t have any, and that he thought Dr. Pepper was close enough.

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